Our Coordinators

We source our Coordinators from local Wedding Planning firms. These Coordinators are seasoned and highly-skilled, worthy of the highest pay for their expertise, but with holes in their calendars that they’re happy to fill with simple Just Month Of weddings. You’ll begin working directly with your assigned coordinator one month before your wedding date.

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The Process

  1. Now: Sign the contract and submit payment

  2. Next: Begin completing the Just Month Of worksheets, the first one is due 3 months before your wedding

  3. Three Months before your Wedding: You’ll complete our “big picture” worksheet so that we can create the first draft of your itinerary

  4. 45 Days before your Wedding: You’ll complete our “finer details” worksheet so that we can begin finalizing all arrangements before our final planning meeting

  5. 45 Days before your Wedding: Your Coordinator will review all of the info gathered in your worksheets and identify any issues

  6. Two Weeks before your Wedding: You’ll finalize all of the wedding planning documents we’ve created

  7. One Week before your Wedding: Your Coordinator will distribute the Wedding Party Packet and Vendor Packet via email/texts, ensuring all details have been communicated and confirmed with your VIPs

  8. Wedding Day: Enjoy! We’ve got this.